Monday, March 31, 2008
I've been confirmed by Disney World
YAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WDW emailed me today, to confirm that I have indeed been registered for the marathon ! :)
what a loong week
Hey everyone. This past week has been crazy.My Grandma who was ill, passed away in complete peace this Friday,and I was lucky enough to get to be with her before she passed away.So I willbe going home again this week Weds morning for the wake. On the running front I was ableto log a mile everymorning on pavement so that was good,but I didn't get to stick to my training schedule, but at least I got something in. This week will probably be the same kind of running schedule, and then Ill be back to normal.
Does anyone have a number for WDW??I never recieved my confirmation email......thanks.
Does anyone have a number for WDW??I never recieved my confirmation email......thanks.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Oy Vey !
Today was completly insane. I have this insane outline due for my thesis, and have to prep for my thesis defense. If that wasn't enough to make me want to just run all day long, I got the news today that my Grandmother, who was in a rehab center for her knee and a colon operation, was taken to the hospital for double pnuemonia. Definently NOT a good thing.So then I made the arrangements to have tomorrow off , to have my dad tell me after I did the re-arranging of the thesis defense and school summer on-campus job interview and getting out of math class that my Grandmother is now stable. Well its super-dooper great for her,but man now Ive got a day of blankness and all the crap except the outline rescheduled for next week. Oh well, her health is the important part. With that, I got in no running even though I wanted to go for a run SOO bad, time just ran out.So I'll just do a little more tomorrow.
My evening was better however, I hung out with the boy and watched him cook before he went to class. I am now chained to my desk until I finish this outline. Oh well, I guess Im just really burned out from school.
My evening was better however, I hung out with the boy and watched him cook before he went to class. I am now chained to my desk until I finish this outline. Oh well, I guess Im just really burned out from school.
Sore Muscles

I woke up this morning after a pretty calm night of tackling the Senior Thesis mountain while my boyfriend's roomate played video games. However, when I woke up this morning I realized that I have some sore muscles,which is amazing since I didn't think I did that much yesterday since it was the first workout and I never got in the second run that I wanted. I'm taking this as a good sign and I can't wait to go for a run today after classes.Woah- can't believe I just said that , could I already be liking running?Cool Beans
Monday, March 24, 2008
I know you can find inspiration in many places and forms, but these quotes I found really struck me and inspired me. I then saw who they were said by and I felt like thiswhole marathon thing isn't quite as insane as I thought.
"It's kind of fun to do the impossible"
"If you can dream it,you can do it"
"All of our dreams can come true-if we have the courage to pursue them"
All said by Walt Disney
"It's kind of fun to do the impossible"
"If you can dream it,you can do it"
"All of our dreams can come true-if we have the courage to pursue them"
All said by Walt Disney
A day full of Firsts

This morning was a day filled with firsts.I started my training today, a simple 35 minute workout of running, walking and in my case stair climbing. I only ran 1.25 mi, and I felt like my body was going to fall right onto that stupid treadmill, but I ran in 13:40 not too shabby for my first actual running attempt.I also did some walking, and stair climbing because I live on the fifth floor and the elevators are SO slow.
The other first today is I registered for the Disney Marathon!!!!!!! Super excited about it,but at the same time Super freaked out. I mean today I couldn't even run the two miles that I had made my orginal goal so how the hell am I going to run 26.2?I have no idea but I guess I'm going to have to get serious about this whole running thing. What the hell did I just do?
The other first today is I registered for the Disney Marathon!!!!!!! Super excited about it,but at the same time Super freaked out. I mean today I couldn't even run the two miles that I had made my orginal goal so how the hell am I going to run 26.2?I have no idea but I guess I'm going to have to get serious about this whole running thing. What the hell did I just do?
Oh the picture Ive included is my gym, kinda Epcot-y no ? ;-)
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Ive told my friends
So tonight I told some of my friends that I have decided to run a marathon.I'm pretty sure they think Ive hopped aboard the crazy train,but thats ok with me. Because I am determined to do this, and actually finish it and not let it be one of the other gazillion things that I started but never finished.Im going to do this. My mind is made up for sure. And I will be registering for the race as soon as I get paid. :-)
Also, computer question, how do you get pictures on here, and stuff on your side boards??I want to jazz it up thxs <3
Also, computer question, how do you get pictures on here, and stuff on your side boards??I want to jazz it up thxs <3
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Starting to Run
So I've come to the conclusion that in order to start training for a marathon besides buying cute accessories I've actually got to run- A LOT. But here's the problem people of the virtual blog land, I hate treadmills. I don't know what pace to set it at and I don't like staring at myself and others in those glass mirrors- what is the point of those anyways?Who wants to look at a sweaty gross self or others? I know what you are thinking, well then just hit the pavement. However where I live this actually impossible. How you ask?
I LIVE IN NEWARK ,NJ if you aren't from the tristate just Google it and you'll soon see why running outside is impossible unless running away from a crack dealer or prostitute-Fun Times at college my friends!
We do have a track,however the sports teams are always on it. Which leaves me in the current situation. Thoughts?Ideas? Tips?
Maybe I'll look to see if the track has any time open for regular people that isn't during class times.
Disney'09 the idea is lookin' fine
I LIVE IN NEWARK ,NJ if you aren't from the tristate just Google it and you'll soon see why running outside is impossible unless running away from a crack dealer or prostitute-Fun Times at college my friends!
We do have a track,however the sports teams are always on it. Which leaves me in the current situation. Thoughts?Ideas? Tips?
Maybe I'll look to see if the track has any time open for regular people that isn't during class times.
Disney'09 the idea is lookin' fine
First Post
So, lets start at the beginning. This past January I went to Disney World for a winter break vacation with my sister. While there we had a blast of course and the time we went was marathon weekend. I had no clue that this was going on, my sister apparently did but didn't think I would give a hoot about it. At the time I wasn't so giddy about it, it didn't really mean anything to me.
However as the week went on I heard people's stories from the race, the medals and the feelings of complete accomplishment. Let's just say my head started swirling.I suddenly felt that this was what I just had to do next year. In order to keep my motivated I bought a goofy t-shirt and a pair of well-needed anyways sneakers. The marathon was then all I thought about for the rest of the week.
The week was soon over however, and we were back in Jersey and I had to back to college. At school I started to go to the gym, something which caused alarm to my roommates and I who have only stepped foot in once , and then just to use the pool.I was going good,considering I was never really a runner, unless you want to count middle school cross country, but I digress. I was getting in about a mile or two before wanting to die and hit that oh so lovely red stop sign on the treadmill and as an added bonus I was losing weight.Then one day I didn't go to the gym, then the days turned into weeks and here I am it's March and I've barely stepped foot in the gym since and its now Spring Break.
However I recently found a book that I think is the push I need,"The Nonrunners guide to a marathon for women" it gives me a schedule,which I didn't have before, and is full of humor that sounds like it good have easily came out my mouth.Throw in that book and a trip to Disney in the middle of winter and I'm all in. Now I've got to actually start running.....
However as the week went on I heard people's stories from the race, the medals and the feelings of complete accomplishment. Let's just say my head started swirling.I suddenly felt that this was what I just had to do next year. In order to keep my motivated I bought a goofy t-shirt and a pair of well-needed anyways sneakers. The marathon was then all I thought about for the rest of the week.
The week was soon over however, and we were back in Jersey and I had to back to college. At school I started to go to the gym, something which caused alarm to my roommates and I who have only stepped foot in once , and then just to use the pool.I was going good,considering I was never really a runner, unless you want to count middle school cross country, but I digress. I was getting in about a mile or two before wanting to die and hit that oh so lovely red stop sign on the treadmill and as an added bonus I was losing weight.Then one day I didn't go to the gym, then the days turned into weeks and here I am it's March and I've barely stepped foot in the gym since and its now Spring Break.
However I recently found a book that I think is the push I need,"The Nonrunners guide to a marathon for women" it gives me a schedule,which I didn't have before, and is full of humor that sounds like it good have easily came out my mouth.Throw in that book and a trip to Disney in the middle of winter and I'm all in. Now I've got to actually start running.....
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