Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Oy Vey !

Today was completly insane. I have this insane outline due for my thesis, and have to prep for my thesis defense. If that wasn't enough to make me want to just run all day long, I got the news today that my Grandmother, who was in a rehab center for her knee and a colon operation, was taken to the hospital for double pnuemonia. Definently NOT a good thing.So then I made the arrangements to have tomorrow off , to have my dad tell me after I did the re-arranging of the thesis defense and school summer on-campus job interview and getting out of math class that my Grandmother is now stable. Well its super-dooper great for her,but man now Ive got a day of blankness and all the crap except the outline rescheduled for next week. Oh well, her health is the important part. With that, I got in no running even though I wanted to go for a run SOO bad, time just ran out.So I'll just do a little more tomorrow.
My evening was better however, I hung out with the boy and watched him cook before he went to class. I am now chained to my desk until I finish this outline. Oh well, I guess Im just really burned out from school.


G said...


I got my registration confirmation for WDW the next day. If you haven't rec'd an email yet, you might want to call.....

And running on canal berms, or levies, is good on the knees, but watch for slick grass, uneven turf, and dog "gifts"

Tell me about your thesis? What field are you in? I am Ph.D. in History

G said...

here is the cho-pat #:

Your thesis sounds interesting. I am the Dept Head at a university in Louisiana. One of my faculty teaches classes on the Holocaust. We have a local survivor is who quite engaged civicly. Another colleague pf mine wrote his biography: "Sol's Story." Good stuff. Good luck on the project!